





In 1997 several almost independent dancers in Moscow organized a group ⌠PO.V.S.Tanze■ which means ⌠Almost inwardly free dances■. It was an experimental project in the field of dance performance and improvisation. A successful performing at the international festival ⌠Pushkin & Goethe■ in 1999 in Moscow gave them cause for creating a professional dance group.

⌠PO.V.S.Tanze■ dance company is a group of thinking dancers involved in experimenting un the field of dance, improvisation and performance.
PO.V.S.Tanze create their performances according to the principle of a joint choreography. The participants each have equal rights in shaping the rehearsal process and creation itself. The leadership passes from one choreographer to other under the demands of the process.
The choreography language is determined by the idea and the theme of a concrete performance, by the search of an individual language of each of the dancers.
The search of choreographic material always starts from an improvisation and research experiment. ⌠PO.V.S.Tanze■ Dance Company stays open to collaboration with other congenial forms of contemporary art, other choreographers, dancers, theatre and cinema figures, musicians and artists.


1997 √ presentation of an improvisational performance ⌠They are coming■ at the Festival of Christian Theatres in Daugavpils (Latvia);

1998 √ creation and presentation of several multimedia performances by request of Goethe Institute in the framework of ⌠German Culture Days in Moscow■;

1999 √ creation of the performance ⌠Unleashing Myself■ and participating in ⌠Pushkin & Goethe■ Festival in Moscow, participating in the festival ⌠Plantazia■ in Ekaterinburg, creation of the performance ⌠Jerzy and Petruccio■;

2000 √ participation in the following festivals: ⌠Evolution OO■ in Tallinn, ⌠Homo Alibi■ in Riga (Latvia), International Meeting of Dancers and Choreographers ⌠Incontro■ in Lisbon (Portugal), ⌠Cutting-Edge■ competition in Darmstadt (Germany), performing at the festival ⌠Traektoria■ in Moscow, creation of the performance ⌠Far, Far Away...■;

2001 √ participating in: the festival ⌠Pro-dvizhenie■ in Moscow, ⌠Jonge Dance■ festival in Rotterdam (Netherlands), ⌠LISA■ festival in Saransk, Contemporary Dance Festival in Gdansk (Poland), Contemporary Dance Festival in Graz (Austria), performing at the Contemporary Dance Festival ⌠TSEH■, creation of the performance ⌠Beads■;

2002 √ participation in Contemporary Dance Festival in Kiev, Jaroslavl, ⌠Aerodance■ festival in Amsterdam (Netherlands), creation of the performance ⌠Leaves Of Bodies■;

2003 √ presentation of the performance ⌠Leaves Of Bodies■ at the Festival ⌠Golden Mask■, creation of the performance ⌠&■, performing at the Contemporary Dance Festival ⌠TSEH■ in Moscow.

2004 √ participation in: the festival ╚Perfest-2╩ with the experimental performance ╚The open-door day in the Unique Nature Museum ╩ in collaboration with musicians of ╚Pan-Quartet╩, International dance festival ╚Art of Movement╩ in Yaroslavl with the performance ╚&╩.

2005 √ creation of the performance ╚3petiX╩

Participation in ╚Diagelevs seasons╩ festival with the performance ╚&╩.
Participation in the dance festival in Riga (Latvia) with the performance ⌠3petiX■.
Participation in the TSEH festival in Moscow with ⌠3petiX■

2006 √ ╚3petiX╩ was presented in the Spring-dance program of DTW in New-York.
╚3petiX╩ was presented in the program of Springdance festival in Utrecht (Holland), in Antwerp (Belgium), in the guest program of ╚Isadora╩ dance festival in Krasnoyarsk (Russia), in the program of the festival ╚Time to fly╩ in S.-Peterburg.

2006 √ creation of the performance ╚On hold╩, participation in the TSEH festival.



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